
活動主旨:『我 自然 I Nature』徐永進 亞洲區 香港概念展


『我 自然 I Nature』徐永進 亞洲區 香港概念展

『我 自然』徐永進亞洲區香港概念展,將分別於香港兩個場地盛大舉行,除了Ink Asia水墨藝術博覽會的新作展出,並於藝博公共藝術區P3以裝置方式呈現大型作品,另於香港27空間 展出個展『我 自然』,設計大師陳幼堅同時展出『思路』,二位大師跨時空於香港遇合,敬請蒞臨。

Hsu Yung Chins Hong Kong stop on his current exhibition tour. While in Hong Kong, Yes Art Gallery will be holding two simultaneous exhibitions starting in mid-December. The first exhibition is at Ink Asia. The second exhibition, SILKROAD, is at Space27. Both shows will feature large works. SILKROAD will also feature work by renowned Hong Kong designer Alan Chan. Everyone is welcome to attend and we hope to see you there.

INK ASIA 水墨藝術博覽會
2017.12.15-17 AM11:00-PM7:00 
2017.12.14 Vip貴賓預展 PM4:00-9:00 
地點 灣仔會展中心 展位 Booth No.B18 公共藝術展區P3


His work is exceptional not only in the world of calligraphy but in the world of painting as well. The qi, so evident in his lines, creates forms that are very different from what is typically found in Western paintings. Furthermore, the paintings do not have a hidden or implied meaning for the viewer to unravel, they are instead a captured experience which radiates out from the paint and canvas. Indeed, in the past five years, Hsu Yung Chin has shown he is not limited by his choice in medium.

Space 27HK
2017.12.13-20 PM1:00-PM8:00
2017.12.15(Fri) Reception PM7:30-PM10:00 
地點 鰂魚涌英皇道653-659 東祥工廠大廈A/B 10F

我,自然 /策展人 王焜生



I Nature
Hsu, Yung Chin 

Over the past few decades, as Hsu Yung Chins inner world has transformed, so too has his choice in art forms. Without effort or pretense, the calligrapher gradually entered the world of painting.
His work is exceptional not only in the world of calligraphy but in the world of painting as well. The qi, so evident in his lines, creates forms that are very different from what is typically found in Western paintings. Furthermore, the paintings do not have a hidden or implied meaning for the viewer to unravel, they are instead a captured experience which radiates out from the paint and canvas. Indeed, in the past five years, Hsu Yung Chin has shown he is not limited by his choice in medium. 
Hsu Yung Chins work helps the viewer not only remember this truth but also guides them towards the joy and peace this truth entails, allowing it to both flow through and embrace the viewer.
